
Websites that work for every visitor: discover adaptive websites

Bernard Jan Boekholt
CXO @ Prepr
Read time: 6 min

In a digital world overflowing with options, what makes users stick around? In this article, you can discover how adaptive websites turn ordinary content into personalized experiences that keep users coming back for more. Curious how personalization can set you apart? Join to find out.

Sigmund Freud once said that no two people experience the world in exactly the same way, because our unique backgrounds and desires shape how we see things. We completely agree—although Freud probably doesn’t need our approval.

Even though he wasn’t talking about web development, his ideas are very relevant today. Every visitor to your website is different, with their own needs and preferences. So, if everyone is unique, why do so many websites treat all users the same?

The demand for personalization

The call for personalization in the digital space has never been louder.

As internet users, we want our online experiences to reflect who we are, from the content we see to how it’s presented. Unfortunately, many websites stick to a generic approach, offering the same content to everyone. This can lead to frustration and lost opportunities for conversion.

Statistics back this up. For example, 71% of users feel frustrated when website content is not personalized. In fact, McKinsey reports that companies that excel at personalization generate 40% more revenue from those activities than their counterparts. A study by Epsilon revealed that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer personalized experiences. In the same vein, Accenture of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations.

What if your website could change based on each visitor’s preferences and provide personalized experiences that truly connect with them?

Today, this is possible. Websites can understand what each visitor needs and deliver it at just the right moment. These are called adaptive websites.

Adaptive websites: A kaleidoscope of experiences

Have you ever looked through a kaleidoscope?

If you haven't, you’ve missed out on something fun! I remember as a child how exciting it was to twist a kaleidoscope and watch the amazing patterns it produced. Each turn creates a new arrangement—no two patterns are alike, yet they are all composed of the same fundamental elements.

Adaptive websites work in a similar way.

They create a personalized experience based on each user's interactions, preferences, and behavior. When a visitor scrolls, clicks, or browses, it’s like turning the kaleidoscope, rearranging the content to create a unique digital experience for that user. Although all visitors can access the same core features, their individual experiences will differ based on their personal journeys.

In essence,

An adaptive website is a website that changes its content in real-time based on each visitor’s preferences, behavior, location, and more. By personalizing the experience, it boosts engagement, increases conversions, and enhances overall satisfaction.


The complete guide to creating adaptive websites

For a comprehensive guide on implementing adaptive strategies for your own website, check out the complete guide to creating adaptive websites.

Why Do You Need an Adaptive Website?

Now that you have your kaleidoscope, let’s explore why it’s so important.

A generic website provides the same dull experience for everyone, making it hard to connect with individual visitors. When users see the same content, they may lose interest and become less likely to take action—like making a purchase or signing up for a service, and you risk losing potential customers. So, long story short, if your website fails to engage visitors personally, you may experience a drop in conversions.

Adaptive websites solve this problem by tailoring the content to each visitor’s unique preferences and behaviors. Instead of serving generic content, you provide a customized experience that feels more relevant and personal. This approach not only boosts engagement but also improves your chances of turning visitors into customers. In fact, personalized websites can increase conversion rates by 10% to 30%.

A real example: Acme Lease

Everything is easier to understand with a good example; so to illustrate the power of adaptive websites, let’s take a look at one.

Acme Lease is a fictional car leasing company that knows drivers have different needs. Whether someone wants to lease an electric car or is searching for a good deal on a used vehicle, Acme Lease can help both types of customers.

How do they do it?

Acme Lease uses visitor segments to personalize the user experience. These segments are based on things like behavior, interests, and location, ensuring that each visitor sees content tailored just for them. They also use adaptive content to show the most relevant images, headlines and offers for different groups, such as Electric Car Lovers and Used Car Enthusiasts.

By personalizing content this way, Acme Lease makes its website more relevant and engaging, increasing the chances of converting visitors into customers.

If you want to know more about this example, check out the full article dedicated to the Acme Lease case.

5 Real-World Examples of Adaptive Websites

Discover how businesses like yours are using adaptive websites to create personalized journeys that drive engagement and success.

Key Benefits of Adaptive Websites

Here’s how adaptive websites can transform your digital strategy:

  • Better Experience: Tailors content to user preferences, creating a more satisfying experience
  • More Engagement: Personalizes content to keep visitors interested and engaged, boosting interaction.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Delivers personalized offer and calls-to-action (CTAs) at the right time, turning visitors into buyers.
  • Better Retention: Regularly updates content to meet user needs, encouraging repeat visits.
  • Smarter Choices: Leverages real-time insights to refine your content strategy.
  • Competitive Edge: Differentiates your brand with personalized experiences, helping you stay ahead of trends.

The complete guide to creating adaptive websites

If you’re ready to boost your online presence, it’s time to consider creating an adaptive website. Our comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, helping you create an experience that’s as unique as your users. The future of websites is all about being personal and dynamic, so don’t fall behind!

Check out our Complete Guide to Creating Adaptive Websites and start making a website that truly connects with your audience.

Every user’s journey is personal. Make your website reflect it.