React CMS

Build websites using the ultimate CMS for React

Supercharge your website development with React and Prepr. Enjoy a seamless and efficient website creation process that delivers speed, future adaptability, and enhanced security. Unleash your creativity effortlessly with the personalization engine's easy setup.
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Rijksoverheid logo with dark text
I amsterdam logo with dark text
Esso logo with dark text
React.js and Prepr integration illustration

Golden Combination

Why choose Prepr with React?

Looking for a CMS that seamlessly integrates with React? Prepr CMS has everything you need to create an awesome project.
  • Easy-to-follow guides
  • Quick integration modules
  • Reliable GraphQL API
  • Fast CDN
  • Personalization and A/B Testing
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What do you like best about Prepr?
From a developer's perspective, Prepr is very easy to integrate. The REST API works very well and has low response times. Support employees answer questions very fast and effectively, and issues are solved shortly after being reported.
Raymond V.
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What do you like best about Prepr?
Their quick installation guide allowed me to get up to speed within a very short amount of time. It has a very clear interface for content editting making it easy to use. The auto generate GraphQL API makes it incredibly easy to setup your project.
Sven S.

Get Started

Start right away with React and Prepr

Create your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npx create-react-app prepr-react
Community illustration


Join a large community of React developers

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, the vibrant Slack community of Prepr offers quick solutions and engaging discussions. Stay up-to-date on the latest advancements and actively shape the future of Prepr by participating in our enriching developer talks.

Start building your React project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease