
Adapting to the future: Greenberry’s strategies on market trends and tech innovations

Deborah Astarita
Content Creator @ Prepr CMS
Read time: 4 min

Bas van Bokhorst, managing partner of Greenberry, and Jouko Huismans, Prepr CEO, discuss the trends, challenges, and innovative solutions that help agencies adapt and remain relevant in a fast-evolving market.

Prepr’s Agency Talks are exclusive video interviews with top agencies, where industry experts share key insights and invaluable tips. To highlight today's interview topic, let's use a quote from Jouko: “What is a very good proposition today, may be outdated tomorrow.”

Jouko discusses with Bas van Bokhorst, how cultural and creative industries can stay relevant in a rapidly changing market. Greenberry is a strategic design agency focused on social domains, including sustainability, education, and energy transition.

Main discussion points:

  • Market trends and challenges: The impact of insourcing and AI
  • Greenberry's adaptation strategies: How they stay ahead
  • Tech trends: Exploring headless CMS technology
  • Optimizing client relationships: Best practices for long-term partnerships
  • Staying Updated - Tips from Greenberry on keeping up with industry changes

"A preview function in a CMS - this is a feature within your content management system - is important for editors to see adjustments before going live and is a critical functionality often missing in Headless CMS solutions.” Bas van Bokhorst

Key topics and takeaways

Insourcing and artificial intelligence

Bas highlights a trend that's both a challenge and an opportunity: more organizations are doing traditional agency work in-house, reducing agencies' billable hours and value. However, this shift allows for new ways of working together. Agencies like Greenberry should act like coaches or trainers, helping clients improve their own teams. Greenberry’s "Embedded Agency" model exemplifies this; they place team members within the client’s organization for ongoing support and development.

Another dominant trend is artificial intelligence, a topic dominating discussions everywhere, yet as Bas explains, it's a double-edged sword. It offers productivity gains but also threatens jobs in creative fields like copywriting. For agencies like Greenberry, which work with social organizations and governments, managing AI ethically is crucial. They prioritize data security, compliance, and responsible AI use as part of their commitment to sustainability as a B Corp.

Greenberry’s adaptation strategies

Greenberry has adapted by introducing the above-mentioned "Embedded Agency" model for closer client collaboration and an educational “Academy" that offers training, especially in areas like inclusive design, to help clients and their teams learn new skills.

Bas metaphorically compares Greenberry to "the small Gallic village that remains in the Roman Empire," showing their commitment to independence despite industry changes. They stand out by specializing in a niche market; this not only keeps their unique identity intact but also improves their competitiveness. Internally, Greenberry uses the OKR framework (Objectives and Key Results) to set clear goals, track progress, and ensure they're moving in the right direction strategically.

Technology trends

Bas highlighted the significance of headless CMS and frameworks like Next.js and React, which enable modular and dynamic content delivery while maintaining site security and speed.

Features that make customers’ work easier and more effective are essentials, such as preview functions. The preview functions in a headless CMS are particularly valuable, especially for editors because they provide a clear view of content changes before they go live.

"Building an ecosystem where headless is a core component is crucial for modern businesses.” - Bas van Bokhorst

Optimizing client relationships

Maintaining long-term client relationships is central to Greenberry’s strategy. They prioritize ongoing partnerships over short-term projects to ensure their products and services remain adaptable and effective. Bas emphasizes a user-driven approach to optimizing their services. By regularly interacting with their target audiences and clients, Greenberry prioritizes gathering insights and feedback. This process ensures that their products evolve in response to real user needs. A great example of this approach is Greenberry’s collaboration with; what started as a platform redesign has grown into an ongoing development and service management effort.

Staying updated - Tips from Greenberry

Greenberry ensures it stays current with industry developments through a robust culture of continuous learning. They hold monthly bagel sessions where colleagues share expertise and discuss current trends, keeping the entire team informed and inspired. In the summer, developers participate in a program to exchange knowledge on new technologies, ensuring everyone stays updated with the latest frameworks. Externally, Greenberry offers training and coaching through the Academy and Embedded Agency, extending their industry expertise beyond the organization.