EO website screenshot

Case study

How EO launched two portals for a flexible, scalable, and cost-efficient solution

The Evangelische Omroep is is one of the largest public broadcasters in the Netherlands, providing unique content and expressing its own voice to diverse target audiences.
In House


The digital landscape of the EO consisted of a multitude of websites and content management systems. A complex whole that was expensive to maintain and also hindered rapid innovation. That's why the digital team decides it is time for a new approach. A new flexible content management platform must be created, with one central CMS and modern front-end applications.


The in-house development team of EO develops the portal. From concept and design to creating the front ends and connecting the Prepr CMS. The team decides to apply a modern JAMstack architecture, using Javascript, APIs, and Markup to develop fast, secure, and scalable websites. EO uses VUE.js and NuxtJS to build front-end applications and Prepr as the central CMS.

With this approach, EO creates a clear separation between content management and the presentation layer, ensuring optimal flexibility in organizing and presenting content. As per program, per theme, per topic, and per channel.

The EO chooses Prepr as its headless CMS because of its comprehensive content management and optimization features. In particular, the options to easily integrate content from other systems, personalize content, send notifications, and make recommendations in the future.

Also, Prepr's extensive experience with content management for media companies plays a vital role in the decision.


The EO launched EO.nl and the "About us" website as the first in a series of websites. Shortly, all other websites will be transferred to the new platform as well. With this milestone, EO takes an essential step in the digital transformation journey. Resulting in a flexible and scalable platform that supports the content strategy, makes editors work more efficiently, and reduces operational costs.

Want to learn more about how Prepr helps EO and other content-driven companies maximize the impact of their content? Let's get in touch!