Headless CMS

6 Essential content management trends to watch in 2022

Read time: 7 min

Content marketing as a business value has continued to grow over the last few years. However, the importance of successfully managing this content is equally important. So, how do you make sure your content is managed to its best ability? In 2022 and the years to come? Read on for the top content management trends (and how to make them work).

1. Topic-based SEO

SEO is a method of optimizing the effectiveness of your content for search engines. The goal? To help content rank higher than those from other sites that use the same keywords (and most likely, target the same audiences). Currently, SEO knows different approaches, including keyword-based SEO and topic-based SEO. Keyword-based SEO is aimed at using relevant keywords in your online content to improve search engine rankings for those terms. Most keywords are discovered during the keyword research process and used throughout the text. 

Keyword-based SEO has been dominant for years. But as search engines are getting smarter every day, topic-based SEO is quickly making a name for itself. Topic-based SEO helps you rank for more terms than just an individual keyword. This leads to more search visibility, helps establish your ‘authority’ on specific topics, and helps navigate users to the desired content pages. So, if you’re working on a content strategy or SEO practices in 2022, make sure to dive into topic-based keywords before anything else.

Do you want to learn more? Take a look at: 

2. AI-assisted content management

Artificial Intelligence – or in short: AI – is not just another buzzword. It’s a concept proven to be useful in all kinds of modern business practices, including content management. AI content management describes the inclusion of machine learning into content management tools. It basically means a machine helps you centralize and organize your content. 

Currently, we see AI applications reaching a level of maturity that allows them to be applicable in day-to-day content management processes. Until recently, the applicability was limited, but services that allow you to use AI in content management pop up like mushrooms. From automatic content tagging to automated translations: AI content management is a super valuable addition to your workflow. 

When looking at 2022, we expect that many digital teams will turn to AI content management. It not only helps you improve the findability of your content. It also takes some of the time-consuming tasks off your plate. Developments that we love are automated content features, such as assisted content creation (automating the research process when writing content) and automated meta-data. We also love AI-driven analytics and optimization - but more on that later. 

Do you want to take a deep dive into AI and content management? Be sure to check out:

3. Going headless

CMSs have been around since the 1990s. In 2010, one of the latest versions of CMSs arose: headless content management systems. A headless CMS separates the front-end presentation from the back end of a website or platform. This makes content easier to distribute (so-called ‘front-end flexibility’) and allows for a future-proof tech stack.

While this trend isn’t necessarily new, we expect it will remain relevant in 2022. A lot of businesses still work with outdated CMSs, and still haven’t made the transition to working headless. Yet, with consumers using more and more devices and content being present on more and more frontends, the need for a headless system is more significant than ever. 

So, if you’re looking for a unified experience on all front ends in 2022, we advise you to read more about headless CMSs. It can really help you scale up your business.

If you don't know what a headless CMS is, first, watch this video. 

Or read this article:

4. Data-driven content management

Due to improving technology, content teams gain access to more and more customer data. This is highly beneficial, as organizations that use data-driven marketing are six times more likely to remain profitable year-over-year.

As a result, the number of content management systems that can process real-time data is increasing. By using data-driven insights in your content management practices, you're able to connect with your audience on a more personal level. This ultimately improves the impact of your content. This practice is called data-driven content management. Examples of data-driven content management practices are AB-testing and content optimization. The former uses data to determine the best way to deliver content, the latter helps you analyze which content your audience likes and dislikes. 

In 2022, we expect businesses to pay more attention to capturing relevant data for content management purposes. If you want to read more about this topic, these resources come in handy:

5. More and more personalization

Personalization in content management is a trend that immediately derives from working data-driven. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to capture and retain a customer’s attention. Personalization helps improve this.

With personalization, you can adapt the customer experience based on the preferences and behavior of individual visitors. However, for most businesses, personalization is still quite complex and costly. There is only a limited number of affordable personalization engines available. Also, personalization requires quite an extensive tech stack. Something that is often hard to implement. As a result, most solutions are exclusively available for Big Tech and other major companies.

Luckily, technology is developing rapidly. CMSs are currently entering the market, allowing you to manage content and simultaneously personalize digital experiences. Without the need for separate systems. This enables content teams to take back control of their tech stack with an agile workflow and impactful content as immediate results.

Do you want to learn more about personalization? This might come in handy:

6. Metaverse content management

According to Big Tech, the future of the internet is the so-called “Metaverse”. A blended environment where the physical world and the virtual world intertwine. While the metaverse still seems far away, it’s wise to look ahead. Some day, you and your business will also want to be present in the Metaverse — a digital touchpoint for your organization, a virtual space to connect with your audience. 

Even though we don’t know when and how the Metaverse takes place, you can already think about how you want to be present. How will you manage all that content? We can’t know for sure, but a future-proof headless CMS is probably one solution to help you publish content on platforms such as the Metaverse. There are  already so-called 3D CMSs that can manage your three-dimensional content for the metaverse.

Sure, you don't need to do anything with the Metaverse in the coming year, but it is a trend you want to keep an eye on.

Make it work

A lot of you are early adopters. So it’s likely that you’ve already implemented a headless CMS or turned to data-driven content management. But we believe the true power of these trends is merging them. The ideal outcome for 2022 would be for you to build a headless platform, combine this with a powerful personalization engine, implement AI, create topic-based content and launch a data-driven approach. It’s a long shot, but let us know if you make it work. 

We hope you achieve greatness!