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Start coding with Next.js & Prepr today

Create a free Prepr account and dive into our Next.js Guide to get up and running fast. Try Prepr today!

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Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

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Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Start building today

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Start building your Angular project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Start building your Astro project with Prepr CMS!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

It’s time to try Astro and Prepr

Start creating your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npm create astro@latest prepr-astro

Start building your Gatsby project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

The easiest way to try Gatsby and Prepr

Create a new Gatsby project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npm init gatsby

Start building your GraphQL project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Start building your Laravel project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

The easiest way to try Laravel and Prepr

Start creating your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
composer create-project laravel/laravel prepr-laravel

Start building your PHP project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

Start right away with PHP and Prepr

Retrieve CMS data with the Prepr Graph SDK to your PHP project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
composer require preprio/php-graphql-sdk

Start building your React project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

Start right away with React and Prepr

Create your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npx create-react-app prepr-react

Start building your Next.js project with Prepr

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

It’s time to try Next.js and Prepr

Start creating your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npx create-next-app@latest prepr-next

Get Started

It’s time to try Next.js and Prepr

Start creating your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npx create-next-app@latest prepr-next

Start building your Node.js project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Start building your Nuxt project with Prepr CMS!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

The easiest way to try Nuxt and Prepr

Start creating your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npx nuxi init prepr-nuxt

Start building your Svelte project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

The easiest way to get started with Svelte and Prepr

Create your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npm create svelte@latest prepr-svelte

Start building your Vue.js project with Prepr!

Finally create real unique digital experiences with ease

Get Started

The easiest way to get started with Vue and Prepr

Create your first Prepr project by copying and pasting the following command line into your terminal.
npm init vue@latest prepr-vue