Increase engagement
The challenge for was clear: how to increase engagement with visitors and locals. The first step? Given the digital age we live in: improving the digital experience for visitors.
But before jumping into solutions, let’s see how I amsterdam fleshed out the details and split the challenge into two distinct problems to solve.
Make visitors spread out more in the city
Like many of us when exploring a new city, tourists typically tend to see only its famous sights, regardless of their personal interests, causing overcrowding. This posed the question: How do we get visitors to explore sights that match their interests in different parts of the city?
Increase participation of Amsterdam residents
Even after living in a city for years, or even being born there, people often don't fully explore their own city or neighborhood. Research confirms this, showing that residents aren't aware of all the activities available in their neighborhoods. So another question arose: How do we get Amsterdam residents to participate in more events and activities in their neighborhoods?